Thursday 29 November 2018

Mount Sewell: Transitioning to Year 11

The first moment as I walk around the ridge upon the sealed road, and into the open mountain
top, a strong breeze catches my hair making it twist and swirl above my head. My eyes lookout
across the land of hills, paddocks, rivers and roads. My sight stretches as far as the hills behind
Hokitika where the clouds cover the mountain tops. The road takes me around the peak of
mount sewell until a flat terrace of rock stretches out over what has to a 500m drop. Just
scanning the waving tree tops and remains of fallen rocks makes my stomach churn.

While I walk past the cell tower among the many buildings and other aerials, the wind made
them sway back and forth as though they aren't quite stable. Looking over the West coast
landscape even on a a murky day; is breathtaking. Standing 830m above sea level and being
able to see from far north right down to south past Hoki, is such an awesome feeling. Knowing
that I just completed a 2 hour walk up Mt sewell and that the travel down is still to come, makes
me not want to leave such a majestic place.

Thursday 27 September 2018

English- Creative writing (Senses & language features): Hunted


I've been on the lookout for days now, watching waiting hiding. I've stayed to the line of the bush, not quite entering its depths but walking through the grass plains. The sharp and hay like grass brushes past my legs as my feet crunch along the dry dusty dirt. These lands are so different compared to the wet and ever so soggy jungle. It's so hot it feels like the sun is melting my skin like im a wax figure, only for a bead of sweat to roll down my forehead. As I wander through the vast lands a smell drifts by, something familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. That is until I look across the dry land and through the heat waves settling on the horizon, I see it…

As my vision focused I can see a carcass lying in the grass circled by three lions tearing into its raw flesh. Up above the feast, multiple vultures fly through the air squawking and arguing about the feast below.

I creep into the safety of the thick bush, but before it surrounds me my foot catches on a rock and I tumble to the ground, bringing down sticks and low hanging branches with me. Before I can muster the energy to get back on my feet, i hear the low roar of lion addressing the sound of my situation. I feel my heart pound like it wants to leap out of my chest.

I hear the increase of birds squawking, I look back to see the vultures dive bombing the carcass, as the lions start a low jog towards me leaving the scraps behind. Without even noticing I’ve climbed back to onto my feet and am bouncing my way through the forest, over fallen branches and around twisted vines.

Monday 23 July 2018

Statistics: Maths

Statistics: the practice or science of collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.

Can you use statistics to improve your sporting performance?

Yes you could use statistics in your sport to improve your performance e.g: I could record my goal shooting in a game of hockey and put it into a graph to show my data. Therefore giving me statistics and so I can analyse my game performance. 

Thursday 5 July 2018

Friday 11 May 2018



This week in English we have been learning to summarise and use it in our writing and literacy. To summarise means to give a brief statement or use the main points of a paragraph and shorten it. You can use summarising in any literacy piece.

An example before we summarise: 

"Jen never liked P.E, she was always made fun of in school. Until later in life a friend made her go to the hospital, she later found out she had hip dysplaysia. Now jen became a personal trainer to encourage and support people who went through what she did."

How to summarise:

  1. Take the main points of the story and bullet point them. e.g:
  • Jen never liked P.E
  • Jen later found she had hip dysplasia
  • Now Jen became a personal trainer 
      2. Now to summarise you need to use the main components you found and put them into a sentence e.g: 

"Jen never liked P.E, Jen later found the reason... she had hip dysplaisa. Now Jen became a personal trainer to help others." 

Now you have a complete sentence built up of all the main points from the story, we have created a shorter and simpler version of the first paragraph. 

Why we use summarising:

We use summarising to give a shorter description of a story or piece of literacy, as it creates an easier version to understand rather than reading a whole paragraph.

Friday 13 April 2018

Overcoming challenges

This week in English we have been setting ourselves challenges e.g: for community, personal activities or interviewing an athlete . I chose to create a project for the community.

 I believe i can introduce something fun and exciting to a community where everyone doesn't have the same physical attribute but can still participate.

My big question is: what activity/sport can be introduced to the community that everyone can use no matter the physical ability.
My idea is to create an activity or game that will build interest for the community while both having fun and becoming fitter.
  • Ideas so far: 
  1. Bungee cord run 
  2. Bouncy pillow
  3. Climbing centre
  4. New High school swimming pool
  5. Ice skating centre
If you have an idea or suggestion leave a comment below.