Friday 11 May 2018



This week in English we have been learning to summarise and use it in our writing and literacy. To summarise means to give a brief statement or use the main points of a paragraph and shorten it. You can use summarising in any literacy piece.

An example before we summarise: 

"Jen never liked P.E, she was always made fun of in school. Until later in life a friend made her go to the hospital, she later found out she had hip dysplaysia. Now jen became a personal trainer to encourage and support people who went through what she did."

How to summarise:

  1. Take the main points of the story and bullet point them. e.g:
  • Jen never liked P.E
  • Jen later found she had hip dysplasia
  • Now Jen became a personal trainer 
      2. Now to summarise you need to use the main components you found and put them into a sentence e.g: 

"Jen never liked P.E, Jen later found the reason... she had hip dysplaisa. Now Jen became a personal trainer to help others." 

Now you have a complete sentence built up of all the main points from the story, we have created a shorter and simpler version of the first paragraph. 

Why we use summarising:

We use summarising to give a shorter description of a story or piece of literacy, as it creates an easier version to understand rather than reading a whole paragraph.