Thursday 29 November 2018

Mount Sewell: Transitioning to Year 11

The first moment as I walk around the ridge upon the sealed road, and into the open mountain
top, a strong breeze catches my hair making it twist and swirl above my head. My eyes lookout
across the land of hills, paddocks, rivers and roads. My sight stretches as far as the hills behind
Hokitika where the clouds cover the mountain tops. The road takes me around the peak of
mount sewell until a flat terrace of rock stretches out over what has to a 500m drop. Just
scanning the waving tree tops and remains of fallen rocks makes my stomach churn.

While I walk past the cell tower among the many buildings and other aerials, the wind made
them sway back and forth as though they aren't quite stable. Looking over the West coast
landscape even on a a murky day; is breathtaking. Standing 830m above sea level and being
able to see from far north right down to south past Hoki, is such an awesome feeling. Knowing
that I just completed a 2 hour walk up Mt sewell and that the travel down is still to come, makes
me not want to leave such a majestic place.