Wednesday 1 June 2016

NYLD//16 (National Young Leaders Day 2016)

The young leaders conference really made me think about my choices in life. The speaker that I found most inspiring was: Brylee Mills. Brylee Mills is an amputee, she lost her arm in an unfortunate car crash at the age of 6. She spoke about not living alone and never giving up. If Brylee mills can recover from such a life changer and become a professional dancer, then maybe I can try and change the world. " Dancing is symmetrical and I'm not" - Brylee Mills

Billy Graham was so inspiring. He talked about how it's okay to ask for help. When Billy Graham was younger he used to be called 'special'. Growing up was hard for him but one day he got taking to a boxing club, and that changed his life. At that moment, I realized that one small act of kindness can change someone's life forever. 

Emily Muli was very inspiring and motivating. Emily used to be quiet and would sit at the back of the class, she used to notice everything and even the people that got pushed over and wouldn't be helped up, there were people who had brilliant lunches and then there's the person who didn't have a lunch. As Emily got older she found her voice. She used her voice to speak up for others to help the ones in need. To this very day, Emily is helping save lives by supporting the world vision charity.

The things I will take away from this once in a lifetime opportunity, are: Being a leader means sometimes following others. Have self-character and don't listen to peer pressure. It's okay to ask for help. The words that we speak are very powerful and should be used in the right way. One small act of kindness could change someone's life forever and NEVER GIVE UP!

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