Monday 20 June 2016

Challenge #2 Rock Climbing/Abseiling

On Friday the 17th some of my classmates and I went Rock climbing and Abseiling at Charleston. I was soo excited for the moment when I got to lean off a cliff. The closer we got to charleston, the more adrenaline I had running through me. When we pulled up to constants bay, the first thing I saw was the gigantic waves pounding against the rocks. The instructors: Josh and Hosei showed us how to put on a harness. We walked up a track for about 15mins to the amazing 30m high cliff. It was just so amazing to see this place in real life rather than through a screen. 

We dumped all of our bags in the lunch area and were showed how to use the equipment. At this point I thought I was going to explode with excitement. Finally, we were allowed to start abseiling our way of a cliff. I was the second to go, I felt rather thrilled than terrified to lean over an edge of a cliff. Lochie one of the other instructors clipped me into the safety rope so I wouldn't fall. I did a quick check of all of my safety gear just to make sure I was properly clipped in. 

I walked backwards to the edge of the cliff and I spread my feet, breathed in then leaned, and I took my first step down the rocky face. I couldn't believe I was over the edge, I looked out to see before I carried on with my journey down the rock wall. As I reached the end of the rock face my feet could no longer touch the wall, so I was just sitting there in mid air. I slowly lowered myself still keeping my hand tightly gripped on the rope so I would not crash into the rocky floor below. As I reached the safety of the ground I could not believe what I had just accomplished. 

Now I was off to rock climbing, I was first to climb. I decided to climb the harder one out of the two, It was nicknamed the "Chimney."  My heart was racing as I started to climb. The first few meters were the easiest, as got to the overhanging ledge I had to work my hands into every crevasse I could. My arms felt like they were burning and the annoying thing was, was that it wasn't even the hardest part. I was only 3m from touching the Caribeaners I kept wanting to come down but my instructor kept telling me to have another try.

At that very moment, I felt as though I was truly at my breaking point. But I kept on pushing myself higher and higher until finally, I touched the Caribeaners!!! Finally, I had accomplished a test that pushed me to the limit. 

I will never forget that moment when I leaned over the edge or when I touched those metal Caribeaners at the top of the chimney. I can't wait for the next challenge, BRING IT ON!!!


  1. Alyssa, what an epic reflection! You clearly got a lot out of the experience. When you say "finally I'd accomplished a test that pushed me to the limit", can you elaborate on how being tested like this will help you in other areas of your life?

    1. It will help me when i'm under pressure. Because when I was on the rock I really felt like I was under pressure and if I didn't go down I would be counted as a failure. It has also trained me in the physical area. Because when i was on the rock I felt as though I couldn't hold on any longer but I still kept on pushing myself higher, even with all the pain in my arms and legs.
